Female Sexologist Free Advice Contact Number

 Female Sexologist Free Advice Contact Number | Call Now : +91-9999219128

When somebody is experiencing a sexual issue in his/her life, it is important to find the right sexual health center to enable him/her to overcome it. A happy married life and a successful sexual relationship with your partner is something everybody craves. Try not to give sexual issues a chance to destroy your life in any way.

Dr. Monga was founded with a vision to provide quality treatments at affordable price to the people who are suffering from sexual problems. We are India’s most trusted and best Sex Clinic in Delhi.

We provide world class treatment and ayurvedic medicines for men and women. We believe that each and every individual should enjoy his/her life to the fullest. If you have a problem related to sex we have a solution.

Ever since the establishment of our clinic we have successfully helped thousands of patients from India with our medicines and herbal treatments. Our mission is to bring health, happiness and prosperity in your life.

It is only because of the hard work, dedication and continuous efforts of our doctors and even today we are the most trusted name in India for providing quality treatment for all types of sex problems in men and women.

Dr. Monga is trying their best to reach each and every city of India, so that people can have best treatment for their issues.

Female Doctor for Nightfall Treatment

Nightfall is a very harmless, though unfortunate condition that many men suffer from. This is a condition in which the male genitalia expresses discharge of semen, while the male is still asleep. In Ayurvedic texts, it is referred to as ‘swapandosha’. According to modern science, there is nothing wrong or extraordinary with nightfall. In fact, it is a part of the natural bodily processes and it may happen only due to male hormones. Young men, in the age range of 18 to 30 years are most usually afflicted with this condition.

What Does Ayurveda Say?

According to the Ayurvedic text of Charak Samhita, the male genitalia secretes semen due to eight main causes. These causes are dependent on the kind of diet the person consumes, visual pleasures and sexual desires evoked by various stimulation. Ayurvedic doctors believe that a lot of modern changes in our diet and lifestyle may be responsible for nightfall. Tension, an overexposure to the female body, increased sexual drives, stress and sexual relations at a much younger age are also contributing factors. Ayurvedic medication can help with nightfall treatment to a large extent. However, you may need to also make some changes to your lifestyle and diet.

Myths Surrounding Nightfall

Nightfall is an inconvenient condition, but there is nothing drastic about it. It is a normal and natural condition that could afflict anyone. However, there are some myths surrounding this condition due to its sensitive nature. Here are some of the most common of these myths:

• Nightfall is a very rare condition.

• Nightfall only afflicts those who are truly perverted.

• Regular nightfall can cause erection problems.

• It only occurs in very young men, who masturbate regularly.

• Eating non vegetarian food can worsen the problem.

• Nightfall can weaken you sexually.

• Nightfall cannot be treated because it is a disease of perversion.

Symptoms of Nightfall | Female Sexologist Free Advice 

Some of the most persistent symptoms of this disease include pain in different parts of the body – especially in the joints, a severe lack of concentration, anemia, general malaise, pain in the testicles, gastric complaints, fatigue, indigestion, constipation, dullness and eventual emaciation as well. In young boys, the problem of nightfall may even prevent proper growth. Sometimes, prolonged nightfall may result in other secondary problems such as weakness and hair loss. Sleep cycles may be disrupted and you may also experience very poor quality sleep.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Nightfall For proper nightfall treatment, you need to first focus on having a healthy body and healthy mind. This condition is treated from a lot of different perspectives. The first step is to increase self discipline and take the nightfall medication regularly. The next step is to improve diet. A healthy, and nutritious diet should be able to help you control the symptoms to a large extent. 

Such a diet will also help the medications and herbal preparations take their natural, remedial course. Finally, these medications also help you restore the nutrition and strength lost due to nightfall. The herbal preparations for this condition also help increase strength and vitality, therefore helping you get back to your normal life. 

You may also have to make some lifestyle changes. Practicing relaxing techniques such as meditation and yoga or taking a soothing bath before going to sleep, may also help.

Erectile dysfunction (feebleness) is the powerlessness to get and keep an erection sufficiently firm for sex. Having erection inconvenience every now and then isn't really a reason for concern.

In the event that erectile dysfunction is a continuous issue, in any case, it can cause push, influence your fearlessness and add to relationship issues. Issues getting or keeping an erection can also be an indication of a basic wellbeing condition that needs treatment and a hazard factor for coronary illness.

In case you're worried about erectile dysfunction, consult with your specialist even you're not comfortable or embarrassed. In some cases, treating a fundamental condition is sufficient to turn around erectile dysfunction. In different cases, meds or other direct medicines may be required.

Erectile dysfunction Symptoms

You may have erectile dysfunction if you regularly have:

  •       1) Trouble getting an erection
  •       2) Difficulty maintaining an erection during sexual activities
  •       3) Reduced interest in sex

Other sexual disorders related to ED include:

  •       1) Premature ejaculation
  •       2) Delayed ejaculation
  •       3) Anorgasmia, which is the inability to achieve orgasm after ample stimulation

If you are looking for best place to treat you sex issue, then Dr. Jyoti Monga is the best Erectile Dysfunction clinic in delhi, where people visit and share their problem and get best treatment possible with 100% ayurvedic treatment.

ED can occur because of problems at any stage of the erection process. For example, the penile arteries may be too damaged to open properly and allow blood in.

Your specialist will get some information about your symptoms and health history. They may do tests to decide whether your side effects are caused by a fundamental condition.

You ought to expect a physical exam where your specialist will listen to your heart and lungs, check your circulatory strain, and look at your balls and penis. They may likewise prescribe a rectal exam to check youre prostate. Furthermore, you may require blood or pee tests to preclude different conditions.

Premature Ejaculation or Early discharge happens when a man discharges sooner amid sex than he or his partner would like. Premature Ejaculation is a very common sexual issue. Estimates vary, but as many as 1 out of 3 men say they experience this problem at some time.

Premature ejaculation - and ejaculation in general - is complex and not well understood. As a result, there are various beliefs about PE that are either not true or backed up by scientific evidence, such as some of the premature ejaculation home remedies. Hormonal problems, medication side effects, and inflammation can also be factors. New genetic research suggests that some men may be genetically predisposed to PE.

Both psychological and biological factors can play a role in premature ejaculation. Although many men not feel comfortable while talking about it, premature ejaculation is a common and treatable disease. Medications, counseling and sexual techniques that delay ejaculation or a combination of these can help improve sex for you and your partner.

What are the symptoms?

The main symptom is an uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after intercourse begins. Ejaculation occurs before the person wishes it, with minimal sexual stimulation.

Premature Ejaculation Treatments

Trying to build control over your ejaculatory reflex. Begin by self-stimulating (masturbating) regularly (three to five times per week) to become accustomed to the level of sensitivity and stimulation.

Practicing this idea will help you to know where your point of no return is so that during partner sex when you feel this sensation happening, you can back off either by pulling out to change sexual positions.

Thus dulling your sensation for a moment or you can change your stroke (instead of thrusting in and out during sex you can leave your penis inside your partner and go in circles.

Practice Kegels to attempt to delay orgasm. Kegels are useful when the ejaculation is near and can help to stave the ejaculation off. Just Google Kegel Exercises to see what they are.

Some sexually transmitted virus like Venereal Disease can spread by using of unsterilized needles, from mother to infant amid labor, or breast feeding, and blood transfusions.

Sexually transmitted virus has been around for a large number of years. The genital areas are generally moist and warm environments - perfect for the development of yeasts, infections, and microscopic organisms.

Microorganisms that exists on the skin or bodily fluid layers of the male or female genital zone can be transmitted, as would organisms be able to in semen, vaginal discharges, or blood amid sex.

Sexually transmitted infections are more easily passed on during unprotected sex - without using safer sex options (i.e., condoms, dams, sanitizing sex toys).

Venereal Disease Symptoms

One reason Venereal Disease spread is because people think they can only be infected if they have sexual intercourse. But this myth is absolutely wrong. A person can get some this infection, like herpes or genital warts, through skin-to-skin contact with an infected area or sore.

Another myth about Venereal disease is that you can't get them if you have oral or anal sex. That's also wrong because the viruses or bacteria that cause STDs can enter the body through tiny cuts or tears in the mouth and anus, as well as the genitals.

Venereal Disease Medicine

If antibiotics are not taken properly, the infection will not be cured. The number of days you take antibiotics depends on your illness and the type of antibiotic medicine. Azithromycin and doxycycline cure chlamydia in up to 95 out of 100 cases.

  •       1) Bacterial STIs can be cured with antibiotic treatments such as Azithromycin or Doxycycline.
  •       2) We offer 3 treatments for genital herpes; Valtrex, Famvir and Aciclovir.
  •       3) We offer 3 treatments for genital warts; Aldara, Condyline and Warticon.

In our fast paced urban lifestyle, where professional and social commitments weigh heavy over quiet time for oneself, it is natural to feel drained and energy less. An unhealthy diet and inactive lifestyle can also hamper the ability to sustain stamina.Stamina is essential not only for to boost physical strength but also to cope up with illnesses and emotional stress. If you are facing trouble in having enough strength and energy to endure an activity for an extended period, worry not! With the intake of the right foods and herbs you can increase your ability to sustain your dipping energy levels and prolong your physical or mental effort.

Female Sexologist Free Advice Contact Number

How To Increase Stamina Naturally?

1. Take it Slow:

The first and most important thing you have to keep in mind while trying to increase physical stamina is to take it slow. Whenever you come up with an exercise that is new or foreign to you, remember that you shouldn’t try to hurry things up. Take your time as you adjust into the motions. With time and a little bit of effort, you will certainly be able to become a stronger and fitter person.

2. Eat Healthy:

Our body reflects what we eat. If we feed it healthy, it will work well, or else it will deteriorate. To increase your stamina naturally, it is very important to focus on what you are eating and whether it is healthy or not. The absence of essential nutrients in our diet depletes our energy levels. These essential nutrients are Vitamin C, proteins, complex carbs, and iron. These help in generating energy, improving our immune system, and developing and repairing muscles and tissues, all of which are very important in increasing and maintaining our stamina.

3. Have Some Carbs:

Yes, you read that right! To increase your physical strength and stamina, you have to incorporate some carbs into your diet. This will increase the starch and sugar content in your body, which will in turn boost your endurance and help you work harder. A number of research and survey shows that you should always consume pasta, cereal, brown bread, fruits and vegetables to increase your fitness level. This will certainly help you see a change within a short period of time.

4. Workout Regularly:

Being regularly involved in physical activities is the key to cure all the problems.

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