Dr. Monga Clinic for Height Increase in Amritsar, Punjab, India
Dr. Monga Clinic for Height Increase in Amritsar, Punjab, India We are Dr. Monga Clinic for Height Increase in Amritsar , Punjab, India , doctor for height growth treatment in Amritsar, Dr. Monga Height Increase in Amritsar The ayurvedic medicine acts mainly on three sites:- Increase growth hormones production A. The growth is not only dependent on genetic but hormones equally plays important role in the body`s growth. B. Your growth potential reduces especially after puberty because your pituitary gland becomes inactive. Ayurvedic medicine stimulates the pituitary gland to increased the production of the natural levels of growth hormones, which causes the growth of the cartilaginous portions of the vertebrae and the long bones. Cartilages Growth– Although most of your bones can`t grow any longer after puberty, the articular cartilages that connect many bones can still grow thicker. Besides the distal potion on each vertebra, the distal end of the Femur and the proxi...